Yu Shamo Noti

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This is a list of the considered in Japan to be wholly or partly of Japanese origin. Some may have complex or obscure histories, so inclusion here does not necessarily imply that a breed is predominantly or exclusively Japanese.

Local name Other names Notes Image [] [] [] Japanese Bantam [] [] single-combed Shamo [] [] [] [] Gankei [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Ingii-Dori [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Kinpachi-Dori [] [] [] [] [] [] Kumamotoshu [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Mikawashu [] [] Minohiki-Dori [] [] [] [] Nagoyashu [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Shiba-Dori [] [] Oguni-Dori [] [] [] [] [] Long-crower [] [] Tosa-Cochin [] Tosa-Onagadori [] [] [] [] Totenko-Dori [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Utai-Chahn [] [] [] Ygido, Hachikido [] [] [] References [ ]. • Masaoki Tsudzuki (2003). In: Hsiu-Luan Chang, Yu-chia Huang (editors) (2003). The Relationship between Indigenous Animals and Humans in APEC Region.


Taipei: Chinese Society of Animal Science. Pages 91-116.

MA ZHENGLIN (1984) “Renlei huodong yu Zhongguo shamo diqu de kuoda”. Yundong de zhishi” (Notice on the launching of the mutual aid movement),.

• [Editorial Committee Office of the Japanese Country Report, Animal Genetic Resources Laboratory, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan] ([n.d.]).; annex to: Barbara Rischkowsky, D. Pilling (editors) (2007). Shaun t t25 free download. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Accessed August 2017.

Background Losses in poultry production due to heat stress have considerable negative economic consequences. Previous studies in poultry have elucidated a genetic influence on response to heat. Using a unique chicken genetic resource, we identified genomic regions associated with body temperature (BT), body weight (BW), breast yield, and digestibility measured during heat stress. Identifying genes associated with a favorable response during high ambient temperature can facilitate genetic selection of heat-resilient chickens. Methods Generations F18 and F19 of a broiler (heat-susceptible) × Fayoumi (heat-resistant) advanced intercross line (AIL) were used to fine-map quantitative trait loci (QTL). Six hundred and thirty-one birds were exposed to daily heat cycles from 22 to 28 days of age, and phenotypes were measured before heat treatment, on the 1st day and after 1 week of heat treatment.

BT was measured at these three phases and BW at pre-heat treatment and after 1 week of heat treatment. Breast muscle yield was calculated as the percentage of BW at day 28. Ileal feed digestibility was assayed from digesta collected from the ileum at day 28. Four hundred and sixty-eight AIL were genotyped using the 600 K Affymetrix chicken SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) array. Trait heritabilities were estimated using an animal model. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) for these traits and changes in BT and BW was conducted using Bayesian analyses.