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This page links to installation information for major Synopsys releases, which occur in March, June, September, and December. In the table below, click the document link for the release you need (or check the link associated with your product release date). You can also find installation information on the product software physical media (such as CD, DVD, or flash drive) and in the product_INSTALL_README.txt file in the product EFT download directory. Some products might release at other times, and not all products are included in the Installation Guide.
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If you do not find the information you want, check the page. Synopsys Installer For most Synopsys products you need to download the Synopsys Installer. If you are downloading Synopsys Common Licensing the Synopsys Installer is also required. WARNING: After December 7th, 2015, all product releases using Synopsys Installer require a minimum version of Synopsys Installer 3.3.
Release Information Service pack releases (such as version O-2018.09-SP2) are standalone releases and must be installed in a new directory. Do not install them over an existing release. The standard installation instructions in the Installation Guide also apply to service pack releases. These documents require Adobe Reader to view. You can of Adobe Reader.