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Nearly a month passed since the 'can I cheat?' Topic was created. Trainers are surely shady, and even as I know why one would want to cheat. (I had too many situations when I needed just a thousand gold more or 300 more crystals.

) But instead wasting time on cheating, I advise to focus on trying to beat the game fair and straight. With cheats you may win, but only fair win brings real satisfaction and only fair win will make all the losing times worth. (as they turned into learning sessions, not just plain losing) Here is the best cheat ever: not giving up (or not giving a f. Nick Nolte?). Sep 12, 2013 Eador series Bloody Cheating AI Astral Lord! I'm playing Eador Master of the Broken World Campaign on. Mods or cheat codes to change that province into Goblin.