Install Activex Webrec Cab Service
I just recieved a new computer from work. I go on a lot of business trips which is why I bought the DVR system in the first place. To access the DVR from the internet requires you to install an ActiveX program called webrec.cab, this happens the first time you access the DVR (i.e. The install is automatic). With my old computer I could change the internet security settings to allow the installation of this program. My new computer does not allow me to install this because of some publisher verification check.
Manually Installing ActiveX component. Clicking yellow bar to allow it to 'Install this CAB file for all Users' and the page reloading. Download and install.
I can not change the internet security settings and can not access GPEDIT.MSC So my question is there any way around this? Some other way to install this? You didn't say which DVR your using, but my Intellicam JS-RTA-D1 DVR used Webrec.cab for remote viewing using IE. I had the same issue, the company PC had security policies that prevented the auto-install of the program.
The good news is that it was possible to manually install the.cab file. First off, for the RTA-D1, the latest firmware (April 2009 I believe) really works much better than the older firmware. The webrec.cab is embedded in the firmware.
The.cab file is a compressed file with the program in it. If you already have the file, you are good to go. If not, go to the DVR web page and the download should start.
When you get the error message you will need to go look for the file, it will probably be in your temporary internet files. Windows search often won't look in these hidden directories, so you will have to find it on your own. It might be called something like webrec[1].cab.
Sometimes IE will delete these temporary files, so I found I had the best luck searching before acknowledging the error and before closing out IE. Once you have found the file copy it someplace safe. Depending on your Windows version you can double click to open it, or use WinRar to open the archive. There will be a file called webrec.inf in the archive. Just right click and choose to install and you should be good to go. The other option was to use the client software, but the web client seemed to work better for me. Dave Note: edit to fix DVR type.
I replaced my ICRealtime DVR with an Intellicam JS-RTA-D1 and I had the software confused. The install steps were correct. Hey DaveM, Thanks so much for the information. I too have an intellicam (SV-XLA 8 channel I bought in early 2009) Although I think the SV stands for ShoreView security. I have never updated the firmware. Bluetooth usb adapter.
I had never used the client software (Enterprise Professional Surveillance Software) but started due to not being able to get the web utility installed. The italian man who went to malta download mp4 to mp3. The client software is pretty bad, terribly unfriendly and sometimes just gives me wierd errors written in the worst Engrish ever. I will try the procedure you've written and see what happens. How can I find out if a firmware update exists? How difficult is it to install and will it require me to re-setup the system again? Thanks for all the help Tony.
I bought mine from Shoreview as well. I called Intellicam support directly and let them know that my dealer appears to have gone out of business. They were very helpful and sent me the new firmware. It addressed several issues including email delivery and DNS as well as helping with some bad recordings.

The good news is that I was told I would keep all my settings but loose all my old recordings, but the recordings were still there after the upgrade. The bad news is things were still a little flaky, so I did a factory default and a hard disk reformat and it seems to have fixed everything. It was a pain putting it all back in but was worth it.