Excel Vba Serial Port Mscomm32

Excel Vba Serial Port Mscomm32 7,3/10 6939 votes

Open VBA editor in Excel - serial port example for Pencom Design, Inc. If you downloaded the mscomm32.ocx driver from the internet and you don't. Bridged to a COM16 serial port. According to the vendor I just need to send char(27)+char(53) down the serial port andit will open the cash drawer. They provide a MS Excel VBA sample which uses MScomm32.ocx and it works. But I have difficulties using that ocx file in PB 8. Is there someone here who can give me the required steps to implement.

Hi there, I have a piece of code called ConvertDates that formats data contained on 6 worksheets. The 6 data sheets all contain a data connection to a website of foreign exchange tables. What I want is for my code to execute as soon as the data connection refresh has finished. When I use the statement Code: ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll Application.Run 'Project1.xlsm!ConvertDates' The code executes the macro whilst the refresh is still happening, thereby screwing up my results. Need for speed most wanted modi na mashini policii lyrics. I don't really want to use a timed wait, because the refresh speed is going to vary from user to user.

Is there some way I can tell excel to wait till the refresh has finished and then execute the code? Any help would be hugely appreciated. Dear Sirs, Am in need for this solution very badly and what could be a better place than excelforum! I have an MS Excel File (2007 version) sample file attached, which has name, designation, blood group and so on. The last column is for hyperlinking photographs of individuals.

In the same folder where I have saved this excel file, are lying photographs of individuals. While scanning the photographs, I have saved them serially i.e.

1,2,3 and so on. In the Excel file, in last column, I have given the respective serial numbers.

In order to hyperlink one has to select that particular Cell, press Ctrl K and you automatically go to the folder containing individual photographs, you select that photo and OK. Problem: I have to do this hyperlinking one by one and if there 1000 photos, lot of time is wasted. Solution Needed: Just in case of excel formula, which we copy and paste, Can I get a command by virtue of which the column titled Photo or column next to it gets automatically Hyperlinked to respective photo WHEN I copy and paste such command to all cells in that column.

Thanks a million and warm regards::: Jack. From limited experience I know that excel calculates dates via serial numbers. I have formulas to add a number of days to a cell containing an entered date and display the resulting new date (ie. (c34)+11 = ) I am seeking to leave resulting formula cell blank until a date is entered in the input cell.

Currently when the input cell is empty the formula cell obviously displays 1/11/1900 using the above example. What conditional format would achieve leaving the formula cell blank until date data in entered into the source cell? Hopefully a simpler question for your experience level than mine. Imagine a whole box of lengths of aluminium sections for making windows.