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Measurement: PM2.5 is a term for fine particulate matter pollution. PM2.5 is primarily a problem in the wintertime in the Bay Area, when wood burning constitutes the major source. Daily AQI Measurements Each cell in this chart shows the estimated hourly (AQI) values for PM2.5.

As established by the U.S. EPA, the AQI for PM2.5 is based on 24-hour concentrations, so hourly readings are only estimates. The column at far right shows the preliminary AQI value for the day, based on the 24-hour average concentration. If the number in the far right column is greater than 100, it means that PM2.5 levels were over the federal health standard. Values between 101 and 150 in the far right column mean that air quality was in the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups category for the day. If the value in the far right column is greater than 150, that means air quality was in the Unhealthy category.
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* At this time, PM2.5 measurements at the Napa Valley College location are for informational purposes only. Download game pes 2016 pc versi kecil kecil.
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